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About Our Fair

The Sunderland Fall Fair, the oldest fair in Durham Region, is and always has been a mid-week fair that focuses greatly on our youth. It originated as the Sunderland Rural Fair with the first day dedicated to the children. Today, the Fair opens at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday afternoon and continues throughout the day on Wednesday. We still enjoy strong participation on Wednesday from our local schools. The two elementary schools participate in the parade and vocalize their “School Cheers” in front of the Grandstand while the high school band provides the Parade’s musical entertainment.

Fair Objectives

While our fair originated in 1851, its objectives remain unchanged. The Fair focuses on:

  1. Cultivating a spirit and identity that celebrates our community’s agricultural heritage.

  2. Encouraging environmental awareness and promoting the conservation of natural resources.

  3. Educating the public about the traditional and innovative farming practices being used on local farms.

  4. Sharing individual achievements in a range of endeavours including, gardening, animal husbandry, culinary arts and handiwork.

  5. Recognizing and promoting the importance of our youth.

About the
Sunderland Agricultural Society

The work of the Sunderland Agricultural Society is guided by its constitution.


Meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. at the Sunderland Town Hall on the fourth Monday of each month. In addition, there are many active committees at work throughout the year, focused primarily on planning the many activities of its annual fall fair.


At its Annual General Meeting on the fourth Monday of November, the society selects its executive, reviews its financial status and considers future plans. Before dealing with business matters, members enjoy fellowship and a delicious meal together.


New members are always welcome as there are many tasks that require a variety of skills and talents. Annual membership in the Society is $10.00. Membership extends the privilege of exhibiting at the fair.


For those interested in promoting the tradition of agricultural fairs in rural Ontario, members of the Sunderland Agricultural Society are entitled to participate in the activities of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies.


Committee & Volunteers

The actual work of the Fair requires the coordination of a complex organization of committees, each responsible for specific aspects of the Fair. Our events include an antique tractor and car show, light and heavy horse classes, a lawn tractor pull, a 4-H dairy event, displays of field crops, vegetables, plants and flowers as well as home craft classes for baking, preserving, quilting and woodworking. Entertainment is provided throughout the Fair, often showcasing local talent as well as bringing in star attractions and the two days close with a demolition derby.


In addition to the actual staging of the Fair, the various committees are responsible for sourcing donations and sponsorships, and staging events to raise funds to ensure our financial security. All of this requires a large number of volunteers dedicating significant amounts of time and expertise to ensure the success of our Fair. The recognition of these individual contributions is an important element in demonstrating the value of and appreciation for our volunteers.

2024 Executives 


Debbie Brethour


(705) 357- 3405

Carol St. John

Fair Secretary

Lynda Simpson

Picked Red Apples

Past President -  
1st Vice President - Michael Harder

2nd Vice President - Norm Wilson
               Allan Simpson
               Lynda Cunningham
               Dale St. John
               Norma Ferguson 
               Bill Dobbin
               Sherry Doble          
               Ted Smith
               Jim Kiezebrink

               Kim Underwood

               Karen Lee

2024 Meeting Dates

Regular meetings are on the 4th Monday at the Sunderland Town Hall at 7:30 pm - No meeting in December

Annual General Meeting Monday, November the 25th at 7:30 pm Sunderland Town Hall. 

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